
Therfield First School

“Bringing Learning to Life”


Our school uniform is based on the school colour of purple and consists of the following items that can be worn throughout the year:


  • Purple sweatshirts or cardigans embroidered with the school logo (required branded item from Kidsconnection or pre used from school)

  • White shirt/blouse or polo shirt (required, generic item from any supplier)

  • Grey trousers, shorts, skirts or pinafore dress (required, generic item from any supplier)

  • Purple and white gingham-check summer dress (optional item)

  • White or grey socks, grey tights (required, generic item from any supplier)

  • Sensible black school shoes (not trainers) without heels (required, generic item from any supplier)


PE Kit

Indoor - Black shorts (required, generic item from any supplier)

            - The school’s purple embroidered T-shirt (required branded item from Kidsconnection or pre used from school)


Outdoor - The school's purple embroidered hooded sweatshirt (required branded item from Kidsconnection or pre used from school)

               - Black jogging bottoms (required, generic item from any supplier)

               - Outdoor trainers (required, generic item from any supplier)


For Years 1-4, PE kit is worn to school every Wednesday.


For use in Forest School lessons and on the field at playtimes, we ask that every child keeps a pair of wellies in school. 



School uniform - school sweatshirts, cardigans, PE kit, book bags and PE bags are available online from  


The school also keeps stock of pre used uniform and we hold regular uniform sales throughout the school year.  To enquire about pre used uniform, please contact the school office.


We expect our children to look smart both in school and when representing the school during out-of-school events or activities..



Hair should be kept off the face and hair that is long enough to be tied back must be tied back. Hair decorations, i.e. clips, bands, etc, must be plain, simple and not over-sized.  Any 'party accessories' will be sent back home with your child.  We do not expect our young children to have any extreme hairstyles, tram lines or hair dye.  



For health and safety reasons, ear studs and other items of jewellery, except a wrist watch, are not allowed to be worn in school and wrist watches must be removed for PE.


Lost Property

IMPORTANT - All clothing items should be marked with your child's name, including shoes, trainers, coats, hats, etc.


Marked items of clothing are quickly and easily returned to their respective owners.
