“Bringing Learning to Life”
This half term we learnt about Guy Fawkes, finding out what happened and making some firework pictures. We discovered that there is lots of history in Royston that is linked to Guy Fawkes and enjoyed researching this. We also learnt about Remembrance Day. Using our art skills of weaving, we created poppies that we could wear as well as creating poppies in forest school which were displayed outside our school gates. We had an assembly with Mrs Demant learning about her family and remembrance .
This half term we discovered we were learning about the inspirational Florence Nightingale. With thanks to our local museum, we had a workshop which gave us lots of information about her life and we even had a go at dressing as she would have. We were able to look at artefacts that nurses would have used during the Crimean War. We used our amazing acting skills to act out events in Florence’s life and finally we wrote detailed non-chronological reports about her.