
Therfield First School

“Bringing Learning to Life”

Summer 2 - Ancient Greece

As part of our BIG BANG, the children looked for evidence as to whether the Minotaur was a real creature.  They also investigated the story around this fearsome beast.  We looked at how Ancient Greek pottery often told a story and had a go at designing our own.


In English we took inspiration from the graphic novel 'Leo and the Gorgon's curse' to write our own Greek myth where everything was not quite as it seemed, particularly when any of the gods get involved.  


In History, the children explored what life was like in Ancient Greece, the Olympic Games and how modern life is still impacted by the Ancient Greek civilisation.


To finish the term we performed Roald Dahl's 'Jack and the Beanstalk' in our end of year performance.  It was spectacular!

Ancient Greece Day
