
Therfield First School

“Bringing Learning to Life”

Summer 2 - Familiar Stories

Jack and the Beanstalk

This half term, we are looking at familiar stories. We have started our topic by reading Jack and the Beanstalk. 

As part of our BIG BANG, we arrived at school to a beanstalk and castle in our reading area, and some giant, muddy footprints on the floor! On the castle door was a note and a lock. Once we read the lock, we realised that we needed to measure the length of the giant’s footprints to work out the combination. The children used cubes to measure the footprint carefully and all the children measured the footprint to be 13 cubes long. Once we opened the door, we found some gardening surprises! The children then planted their own sunflower seeds and some other flowers in the class nature garden.

Acting out the story

As part of our choosing areas, we have the characters of Jack and the Beanstalk in our tuff tray. Some of the children have used these characters to act out the story. It has been wonderful listening to the children using some of the story language from the book that we have been reading. 
