
Therfield First School

“Bringing Learning to Life”

PE and Sport Premium

What is Sports Premium Funding?

Following the success of the London 2012 Olympics, the government chose to invest in Primary School Physical Education and School Sport for three years, (2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16). The aim was to provide a lasting legacy from the games and develop children's enjoyment of sport and physical activity from an early age. In 2015-16 the funding was extended.


Originally each primary school received £8000 plus £5 per pupil to improve the teaching and learning of PE and School Sport in their individual school. In recent years this funding was doubled.  This funding is ring-fenced and schools must be transparent in how they spend this funding.


How do we use our Sports Premium Funding?

Sport is an important part of our school curriculum and excellence and enjoyment in sport participation supports children's academic progress, social skills and wellbeing.  We are always excited about the opportunities this funding presents to us and work closely with North East Hertfordshire School Sports Partnership and other external specialist agencies to provide the best opportunities and experiences for our children. Together we have put in place high-quality programmes of learning, coaching sessions for staff and a local network of competitions for a variety of sports.  Other priorities for us have included increasing our children's daily opportunities to be active and supporting our children's mental health and wellbeing as well as their physical health.


We use our funding to:

  • ensure that our pupils have the most qualified teachers, instructors and coaches during their P.E. lessons.  Our teachers have hugely benefitted from working alongside specialist coaches and our pupils get high adult/child ratios during lessons

  • increase the range of in-school and extra-curricular activities available to all pupils, including a range of active lunchtime and after school clubs

  • provide opportunities for our pupils to participate in larger scale festivals and competitions

  • provide inclusive opportunities for children to learn and develop skills in more unusual sporting activities

  • promote a healthy and active lifestyle through increasing the opportunities to be more active everyday

  • provide quality CPD for school staff

  • update and purchase new PE resources

  • subsidise after school clubs for all pupils and fully fund clubs for identified pupils

  • contribute towards specialist forest school and mindfulness teaching

  • opportunities to develop skills within the Outdoor and Adventurous Activities part of the PE curriculum


Click on the link below to view our Sports Premium Action Plan for 2022-23.  Included within the action plan is a review of the impact of spend for 2021-22.  

2022-23 Action Plan (and Review from 2021-22)
