“Bringing Learning to Life”
Big Bang!
Our Big Bang for our Robots topic combined learning in computing and geography. To begin, we looked at coding and how we can create a computer program using event, object and action blocks. We tried to give Mrs Demant clear instructions for how to walk, it was really tricky! Then, we worked together to create a map of the school and used it to give our partner instructions to get from one place to the other as if they were a computer.
Our first writing unit this half term was poetry. We focused on an fantastic book called "The Wild Robot." Although the book is a story, we pulled out the amazing vocabulary and used the creative descriptions and poetic features to write our own poems. We performed them, too!
Our next piece of writing was based on a short clip called "Girl and Robot." There are no words as this was a video clip, there wasn't even any dialogue, so we had to create everything. Based on what we could see and infer from the clip, we used drama to help us to create character descriptions of the girl.
In science this half term, we were learning all about electricity. We began by identifying common appliances which run on electricity and how we can stay safe when using electrical appliances. We then constructed simple circuits. This topic linked with our D&T topic, so we were able to do some cross-curricular learning too!
Our D&T topic of "Battery Powered Light" linked with our science work on electricity. We spent time looking at torches, identifying their features and uses. We created circuits and experimented with creating a range of different switches and choices for casings. Then, we designed, made and evaluated our torches to take home.
In our geography topic, we were learning all about The UK. We learned about the location of the UK in the world, the country groupings of the UK and Great Britain, capital cities and famous human and physical features. We also created topographical maps to show a journey from London to take part in the Three Peaks Challenge! Then, we explored how different countries and counties of the UK produce different products, including in agriculture and food. Finally, we worked in groups to compare and contrast two cities - Birmingham and Blackpool.