“Bringing Learning to Life”
Science in Lower Key Stage One
In Rooks Nest, we have 2 hours of science each week. We are also extremely lucky to have weekly forest school lessons which link to our science topics whenever possible, for example, when looking at soils and rocks. We also look at discrete aspects of 'fieldwork science' during these sessions.
In Science we learn a lot about ‘Living Things and Their Habitats’.
We look at identifying habitats and the animals that live within different habitats. This leads us to creating food chains, thinking about how the energy from what an animal eats is passed along the chain. We then explore how humans can have both a positive and negative impact on different habitats and the food chains within that habitat.
We move on to thinking about how animals can be grouped and classified according to their characteristics. We undertake the tricky task of creating and sorting diagrams to help classify animals.
The children begin by considering where humans get their nutrition from and identifying the food groups. We think about what a balanced diet is and the effects that each food group has on supporting the body.
We then move to looking at the skeleton of humans and animals and compared the bones, in some cases these are real bones. To complete our unit we investigate the muscles. We complete two experiments, the first to show how strong the muscles can be. During our second experiment we play Tudor Five Stones to demonstrate the fine control the muscles can have.
The children begin by considering how sound is formed from vibrations from objects and vibrations. They then investigate whether sound can travel through different materials and the impact this has on the sound. The class then take their learning outside, exploring the effect distance has on sound. Finally, the children look at how they could prevent sound from reaching our ears.
Animals Including Humans - Teeth and Digestion
In this topic, we learned about food chains, including producers, predators and prey. We had to think about how energy was transferred through the chain. Next, we learnt about our teeth. We found out about the different types of teeth we have, their jobs and how we can look after them. Finally we learnt about the digestive process. This included an exciting afternoon of outdoor learning!
As part of our Cave Folk topic, we look at the different types of rocks, how they are made and how they are changed by weather or pressure. We test rocks using a range of experiments to find out whether they are sedimentary, metamorphic or igneous. We also look at how fossils are made and research Mary Anning, who was the first female palaeontologist.
As part of our Robots topic, we look at Electricity. We learn about how electricity is made and how it moves. We also look at how it has changed the world and how we use it everyday. We conduct different experiments to make simple and complex circuits using a range of components. We then use our knowledge of circuits to create a battery powered lamp as part of our DT project.
As part of our Active Planet topic, we recap on rocks when looking at how Earthquakes and Volcanoes occur. We also look at the Water cycle in detail and create our own water cycle in plastic bags showing evaporation, condensation and precipitation. We even learn a highly-catchy song to help us remember the cycle!
As part of our Chocolate topic, we look at the various states of matter. We look at reversible and irreversible changes using chocolate and water. We also conduct an experiment to see how we could slow down or speed up an ice cube melting.
As part of our Need for Speed topic, we look at different forces and magnets. We look at how forces are used in different modes of transport e.g. flying a plane. We also look at different types of magnets, what they are used for and how they help us in everyday life.
As a solo science topic, we look at how light is created naturally and manmade and how it reflects off surfaces. We also look at the danger of light from the sun and have fun making shadows. At the end of the topic, we take part in a whole day experiment by creating a sun dial and recording the time each hour.