“Bringing Learning to Life”
Our preferred method of communication for our school newsletters, correspondence, etc, is via email, however hard copies can be made available if this is more convenient.
There is a Parents’ Information board by the main entrance which will keep you up to date with what is happening and a weekly newsletter from the Headteacher is emailed to parents. You can find copies of our weekly newsletter on our home page.
We operate an open door policy at Therfield First School so if you have any questions/concerns please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s class teacher. A member of support staff from each class will be outside on the playground before the morning bell is rung and the class teacher will accompany the class out at the end of each day. If you need more than a quick chat, staff are always happy to arrange to meet you at a mutually convenient time. Appointments can be made via the office. The headteacher can be contacted in person on the playground, via telephone or by email. We are a very friendly and approachable team.
Parent consultations are held in the Autumn and Summer terms and written reports are given at the end of the Spring term for pupils in Years 1-4 and at the end of the summer term for pupils in Reception. If you wish to discuss your child’s progress at any other time you are welcome to make an appointment to see your child’s teacher.
If you have any concerns or questions please speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance. Should the matter not be resolved, the head teacher is available to discuss matters further. Details of the formal Complaints Procedure is on the policies page or available from the school office.
Most of our staff are first aid trained and we have three members of staff who are trained specifically in peadiatric first aid. If your child has a more serious accident at school, we will send a letter home letting you know what has happened and what treatment was given. If we feel it is necessary we will telephone you to explain the incident.
Medication The school will, where practical, administer GP prescribed medication to your child on completion of the appropriate consent form. Non-prescribed medication can be given at the discretion of the headteacher. No medicines are to be sent in with pupils. Parents must bring in any medication to the main office so that all necessary paperwork can be completed.
Attached below is the consent form for parental completion, prior to school staff being able to administer any prescribed medications to pupils. A hard copy is also available from the school office.
Pre existing injuries
If your child has had an injury outside of school, please complete the pre existing injury form below and hand it to a member of school staff.
If your child needs to have an inhaler in school these will be kept securely and easily accessible by staff.