
Therfield First School

“Bringing Learning to Life”

Rooks Nest Class (KS2)

Computing lessons in Key Stage 2

In Rooks Nest Class, we learn about the following computing topics using the Purple Mash learning platform:

  • Online safety
  • Coding
  • Email
  • Simulations
  • Spreadsheets
  • Hardware investigators
  • Effective searching
  • Writing for different audiences
  • Branching databases
  • Graphing
  • Animation 
  • Logo


Computing topics are taught separately to topic lessons and cross-curricular links are made wherever possible.  E-safety is taught at the beginning of units and then reinforced during every appropriate lesson (computing and other subjects).


Computing in other subjects

Children develop and consolidate computing skills in many other subjects, for example using search engines to find facts, using google docs to write up work and working collaboratively using google jam board.  Children also use I-pads and Chromebooks to play games which help them to learn, such as Times Tables Rock Stars to practise their multiplication skills.


Staying Safe Online
