“Bringing Learning to Life”
Geography in Rooks Nest
In Rooks Nest, we teach as many of our lessons as cross-curricular as possible. Our geography curriculum is taught within our geography-led half term topics. These include; Active Planet, Chocolate, Birds-Eye View, All Around the World and The Rainforest. In each lesson, we recap on key geography skills such as compass skills, countries and continents before learning our new learning objectives.
Geography-led topics, usually have a geography-inspired BIG BANG to launch the half term's learning. Enrichment sessions and class visits are planned to help Bring Learning to Life and lessons take place in the real life setting wherever possible.
Each year, all classes take part in an exciting orienteering workshop, led by a specialist, using the school grounds and personalised maps and plans.
The World Map
As a solo Geography project, we looked at the World Map in detail. We used our prior knowledge learnt in Duckpuddle Class to identify aspects of the World using a range of maps eg oceans, continents and countries. We learnt how to identify the Equator, the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere using longitude and latitude lines. We also looked at the different time zones across the world.
Activity Planet
As part of this topic, we looked at different types of natural disasters that occur around the world. We looked at how volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis occur and how they affect the world. This linked to our English topic as we wrote explanation texts based on the information that we learnt.
Importing and Exporting
As part of our Fairtrade topic, we looked at how products are imported and exported around the world, specifically looking at chocolate. We also looked at how importing and exporting effects the environment.