“Bringing Learning to Life”
Maths look in Lower Key Stage 2
Maths Meetings
In Rooks Nest Class, the children start their Maths lesson with a short Maths Meeting. Using the Herts for Learning fluency slides, the children take part in short burst mental activities in their Maths jotters. This helps the children to consolidate any learning from the last topic or to teach new arithmetic skills e.g. number bonds to 60 or times tables.
Maths Lessons
In Rooks Nest Class, the children have 5 Maths lessons each week. Within these lessons, the children are taken though a series of small steps which help them with the key learning during the lesson. Each lesson provides varied fluency, problem solving and reasoning. Children are encouraged to broaden and deepen their learning by explaining what they know, how they know it and what they can do. A range of manipulatives and resources are available to every child during every lesson to help support learning, explore different ideas and to check answers.
At Therfield First School, we teach a Mastery approach to maths.
In other curriculum lessons
Maths is also taught in a range of other lessons. Children are taught that maths is everywhere and used every day in a range of activities. In Science, the children are asked to show the results of their experiments in a range of tables and graphs. In Computing, the children use formulas to create spreadsheets. In History, the children look at roman numerals in the Ancient Roman topic and in DT, when measuring pieces of wood to make a kite or weighing out ingredients to make a dish.