“Bringing Learning to Life”
Welcome to our Governors’ section.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
We have put together a few details to help you better understand the School Governor role and the valuable work we do to help make Therfield the best! If once you’ve read this information you feel Governing is for you, then please contact us. We’re always looking for committed people to bring fresh skills and expertise to our team.
What is the Governing Board?
We are a group of volunteers from the School Community who work with Mrs McGovern to set the future strategic direction and vision of our school. We act as a critical friend to the school by making collective decisions on a wide variety of issues. We monitor the impact of policies initiated by the Local Authority and oversee the management of the school budget to ensure your child gets a thorough education appropriate to their individual needs. We believe education isn’t just about passing exams it’s about becoming a confident and emotionally rounded young person.
What does the Governing Board do?
The Curriculum and Standards Committee (the full governing board) meets at least termly. Our Finance, Personnel and Premises Committee also meet each term. We respond to recommendations given by outside agencies such as Ofsted. We also consider complaints should they arise. We set the targets for pupil achievements and monitor them closely with Mrs McGovern. These targets form the basis of the Headteacher Performance which we also manage. We all attend the Governor Induction training and on-going training appropriate to our committee and Link Governor roles as provided by the Local Authority.
Who are the Governing Board?
Our Governing Board consists of a mixture of Parent, Teacher and Community Governors including a Governor who represents the Local Authority.
The Governing Board can be contacted at governors@therfield.herts.sch.uk
All Governors have voting rights at both full Governing Board and Committee level.
How our Governors are elected
Parent Governors are elected by ‘parents’ defined as “any individual who has or has had parental responsibility for, or cares or has cared for, a child or young person under the age of 18”
Staff Governors are elected by ‘staff’ defined as “Anyone paid to work at the school”.
The Headteacher has a reserved place as a staff governor on the governing body.
Co-opted Governors – are appointed by the Governing Body.
LEA Governor is appointed by the Governing Body.
Hails from a hill sheep farm in Mid-Wales, moved East after University to work as a Rural surveyor at Bidwells in Cambridge, 30 years ago. Now does bespoke, small residential development schemes with specialist teams within the East of England. Other interests include as much family time as possible with two young daughters, who both loved their full journey through “our wonderful First School in Therfield”, his wife Sadie and their wider families, music, cars, projects at Therfield First School and a bit of gardening.
Joint Chair of Governors
Finance, Personnel and Premises Committee
Term of office ends 6 February 2027
Emily grew up in Therfield and was a pupil at Therfield First School in the 1980s. She began her career in PR/Comms at the Judge Business School, University of Cambridge. In 2006 she trained to be a teacher at the University of Cambridge and taught in the city for a couple of years. She then moved to London to teach in a primary school and progressed into school leadership. Her specialist areas are primary literacy, curriculum design, and SEND provision in mainstream schools. She left her role as a Deputy Headteacher to relocate in 2021. Emily enjoys being part of village life and she is a member of St Mary's, Therfield, PCC. She is trying to get better at painting and writing children's stories since recently completing a creative writing course.
Joint Chair of Governors
Co-opted Governor
Finance, Personnel and Premises Committee
Curriculum Committee
Pupil Premium
Term of office ends 31 March 2026
Beth works at King James Academy Royston as a PE teacher. Her son used to attend Therfield and her daughter is still at the school and, having grown up around the village, is very passionate about helping to make the best of the facilities we have.
Local Authority Governor
Governor responsible for Safeguarding
Term of office ends 27 September 2026
Charles moved to the village in 2017 and is a former parent with 2 children previously at the school. Charles transitioned from a Parent Governor to a Co-opted Governor in 2021 and continues to chair the Finance, Personnel & Premises Committee. Charles is a Chartered Surveyor, working in Real Estate finance. Charles enjoys spending time with family & friends in and around the village, taking part in social & sporting events and organising fundraising events for the school.
Chair of Finance, Personnel and Premises Committee
Term of office ends 14 December 2025
Judith worked in higher education for over 36 years and has in the past been a governor at a North Herts secondary school and a staff governor at a University. She moved to Therfield in 2016 and retired two years later. She joined the governing body to support the school and to contribute to the village. Her other interests are her family and especially her two very young grandsons and vegetarian cooking. Since retiring, she has also taken up golf and is currently working to reduce her handicap!
Co-opted Governor
Curriculum Committee
Term of office ends 2 March 2026
Alice joined as a parent governor in 2022 after her son joined Honeypot (reception). Her focuses include staff welfare and budget management. Alice was educated locally to degree level, and although not professionally qualified in the education sector, enjoys flexing her skillsets in commercial buying & midwifery in order to assist the school.
Parent Governor
Term of office ends 31 October 2026
Having come from a rural farming family, Alex was attracted to the bright lights of London and a professional services career in tax and is now Tax Partner at Evelyn Partners.
Alex's son joined Honeypot Class in 2022 and he looks forward to his daughter joining in the magic of Therfield First School next year. Having experienced such a positive start to school life for his son, and an exceptional staff body at Therfield First School, Alex was keen to join the governing body as Parent Governor to give back to the school. With his professional skill set he looks forward to bringing value to the Finance, Personnel and Premises Committee.
Alex's other interests include Italy, cocktails, 80's music and James Bond.
Parent Governor
Finance, Personnel and Premises Committee
Term of office ends 31 October 2026
Parents Governor
Term of office ends 16 February 2028
Carol is the Rector of St Mary’s, Therfield with St Faith’s, Kelshall and is delighted to be a governor and be involved in supporting the school. Learning is her passion and before ordination, she trained as a primary school teacher, and taught in Dagenham, Essex. Later specialised in special needs, as a Specialist Teacher in SEND (Dyslexia), and taught both literacy and maths to students from aged 7 years to 16 years, who had dyslexia. This was through a combination of private tutoring and working with Waltham Forest Dyslexia Association, a small charity supporting children and young people with dyslexia through after school classes.
Carol is married to Gary, has 4 grown up children, two of whom have children of their own, and since moving to Therfield, has a new addition to the family, a cocker spaniel puppy, named Hazel.
Co-opted Governor
Term of office ends 6 September 2028