“Bringing Learning to Life”
In Duckpuddle Class, we learn about the following RE topics:
Caring for Others
Gifts and Giving
Easter and Surprises
Religion and Rituals
Places of Worship
Nature and God
Light and Dark
Rules and Routine
Beginning and Endings
In Duckpuddle Class, children learn about a range of religions. They begin to recognise and compare different places of worship, rituals, and ceremonies. The children are encouraged to make links to their own lives, for example, thinking about their own family traditions and the giving of gifts. Children learn about different religions through practical activities, stories and drama. Wherever possible, cross-curricular links are made; more specifically with art, music, history, PSHE and english.
The children thoroughly enjoy taking part in our annual whole school Christmas Nativity which is performed in the local church.
The school has very strong links with the local church and we regularly attend special whole school services in the church, led by the local Vicar. The local chapel and church is used as a real-life backdrop to learning, helping us to see what we are learning first-hand.