“Bringing Learning to Life”
We started our first half term with a BIG BANG! The children took home a special bag which they got to fill with all things that were special to them. They then showed the rest of the class and were able to talk about their special items with confidence. It is a lovely way for the children to recognise familiar interests that their new friends may have in common with themselves.
The children have lots of opportunities to become familiar with the classroom, class adults and their new peers. We play lots of circle games and introduce the different choosing areas slowly so all the children have a good understanding of the rules of the classroom.
We have our first PE sessions with Mrs Lewis and enjoy music in the hall with Mrs Atkins. The children also experience their first school dinners with the help of their Rooks Nest Buddies!
This half term, the children have many different book focuses, one of them is Funny Bones. We learn all about our bodies and why they are important. We measure ourselves using string and discuss who is the tallest and smallest member of the class and create a life sized skeleton by ordering the different bones in the body.
During this topic we also learn about our 5 senses. We go on a listening walk around the school grounds, using our giant listening ears that we made to carefully listen to what is around us.