
Therfield First School

“Bringing Learning to Life”

Spring 2 - Walk Like An Egyptian

During our 'Big Bang' we explored mummification by mummifying one of our class members! We then used this knowledge to mummify tomatoes.


We had a great time and hope our mummified tomatoes reach the afterlife. (No children were harmed in the mummification process. We can't say the same for the tomatoes.)


Our first writing unit this half term was ‘Alternate Fairy Tales’ we focused on the text The Egyptian Cinderella. We became familiar with the story, identifying features of a traditional tale as well as pulling out any unfamiliar vocabulary.

To conclude our unit, we created our own story maps and wrote the entire story which we made into books and illustrated! We included skills we learnt, such as speech, adjectives, and conjunctions. We shared our stories with Duckpuddle, who have also been looking at Traditional tales.

In our last English unit we wrote instructions for ‘How to mummify a tomato’, we were able to use all our experiences from the Big Bang to help add useful details for our audience.



After completing a unit about finding the perimeter of both regular and irregular shapes we moved to learning about fractions. We learnt how to correctly identify the numerator and denominator.  We were able to identify fractions and add and subtract fractions with the same denominator.  We completed our fractions unit by finding the fractions of both quantities and amounts.



This term we continued our ‘Changing Sound’ unit.  We were able to complete lots of investigations into how pitch and volume can be altered in different instruments. We completed the unit by making our own instruments in groups which are proudly on display in the classroom.


In our History lessons, we have learnt about the Ancient Egyptians.  We began by finding out about mummification and the importance of the Afterlife and the ‘Book of the Dead’. We investigated tomb robbers and tried to return items to the original owners.  We also followed in the footsteps of Howard Carter by investigating the tomb of Tutankhamun.
